Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Adventures of Charlie Smithers - A Sensational Review!

Thank you, Randy. For a first time reviewer, you done good - damn good, actually...
Also, I should mention here that book three, "Charlie Smithers: Adventures Downunder," is in the works, I just submitted the manuscript this morning.
One last thing, I can remember being devastated seven years ago, when I heard of the death of my idol, George MacDonald Fraser. With that in mind, perhaps you can better understand how I feel when I find myself compared to him today, not at all unfavourably.

on March 24, 2015
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I've never written a review of a book before, but I'm an avid reader. I'm currently reading the 2nd Charlie Smithers book and can't put it down. But, I'm writing about "The Adventures of Charlie Smithers Book 1" today. CW Lovatt is the closest thing to George MacDonald Fraser that I've come across and believe me, I've been looking and reading what I can find. CW has a style that is his own that reminds one of GMF and the Flashman character, but doesn't at all make you feel like you are reading a Flashman book. Charlie is a man of principle and compassion and not the "cad' that we all came to love in the Flashman series, but a man of his own, There's no need to go into the story as the many review about this book already have, but please do read this great book and be glad that you have another to read immediately after Book 1.
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